Research projects |
I am interested in the dynamics of basic chemical processes in various environments:
- My diploma thesis dealed with vibrational spectroscopy of iodine in the
gas and supercirtical phase. I used ns and ps second lasers to dissociate iodine in solvents like Xe and n-alkanes and
observed the recombination as function of solvent pressure and temperature. My results gave deeper insight in the mechanism
of the so-called cage effect.
- The time-resolution with modern laser techniques can be extended down to a few femtoseconds such that the motions of atoms
in molecules can be "seen directly". At the same time, these phenomena can be simulated numerically by the method of molecular
dynamics. My old group at the
Max-Plack-Institute für biophysikalische Chemie in Göttingen did both, experiments and simulations. Our special interest was
the vibrational energy transfer of diiodomethane and
azulene derivates in condensed phase.
- During my post-doc I turn to biological systems, like proteins.
I would like to unravel the interaction between proteins
and the surrounding solution, which influences the structure and dynamics of the protein. This has a big impact on the
function and reactivity of the protein.
- Another projects are room temperature ionic liquids, which attracted special
attention as green solvent in the industry.
My interest is related to the electrostatic properties of these solvents. In the future I plan to examine protein - ionic liquid